Super Introduction to OCaml Feb. 1, 2019. Let’s Implement Quantum Computer! Index |Next> We adopt OCaml, a functional programming language, to write a simulator for quantum computer because the compatibility between quantum case analysis and functional programming is good. OCaml is a functional programming language. However fortunately (or unfortunately) we can easily write procedural codes. We explain how to write OCaml code in this article for the readers who have not written codes in OCaml. Note that the grammar explained followings is minimum for our purpose. Some important parts of OCaml are not refered. Grammar In OCaml, a string enclosed by (* *) is a comment. (* Hello, OCaml. This is a comment. *) Atomic Types and Operations +, -, and * are operators on two integer. We use keyword let to bind an integer to a variable: let iplus = 1 + 2 (* 3 *) let isub = 1 - 2 (* -1 *) let imul = 2 * 3 (* 6 *) The type for integer is int. Of course, we can operate on two floating point numbers. But we have to use another operator. The type system of OCaml requires this rule. let fplus = 1. +. 2.5 (* 3.5 *) let fsub = 1.2 -. 2.5 (* -1.3 *) let fmul = 2. *. 3. (* 6. *) The type of double precision floating point is float. OCaml also has boolean value. To check if two values are equal or not, we use =. (If you know C, corresponding symbol is ==.) To check if two values are not equal or not, we use <>. (If you know C, corresponding symbol is !=.) let tt = true let ff = false let b0 = 1 = 1 (* true *) let b1 = 2 <> 2 (* false *) let and_tf = true && false (* false *) let or_tf = true || false (* true *) The type of boolean value is bool. Conditional We use if ... then ... else ... to express conditional. Unlike other procedural languages, we do not omit else. We have to place expressions that have the same type after then and else. let res0 = if 0 <= 100 then 1 else -1 (* 1 *) let res0 = if 0 <= -100 then 1 else -1 (* -1 *) Function To define functions, We use let and write a function name and name of argumants. A function from type a to type b has the type a -> b. For example, a function that returns the sign for givin integer is written as follows: let sign n = if n = 0 then 0 else if n > 0 then 1 else -1 The type of this function is int -> int Recalling variable binding again, we can think of it as a function taking zero arguments. We can bind temporal variables in let by using let. We write let x = ... in ... in let expression. For example, a program to check if there exists a real number solution for given polynomial $a x^2 + bx + c = 0$ can be written as follows: let discr a b c = let d = b *. b - 4. *. a *. c in d >= 0 (* true if ond only if there exists a real number solution for ax^2 + bx + c = 0 *) let d0 = discr 1. 2. 3. (* false *) let d1 = discr 1. 5. 3. (* true *) The type of this function is float -> float -> float -> bool. Looking into this type in detail. -> is right-associative, so we can rewrite it and get float -> (float -> (float -> bool)).. That is, discr is a function that takes one argument of type float and returns a value of type float -> (float -> bool). What does this mean? Now, Assume that we would like a function to check if there exists a real-number solution for given monic polynomial of degree two. It is tedious to write again similar code above. Fortunately, we can avoid such iteration by using discr: let discr_for_monic = discr 1. We give discr 1., and get desired function. We think of multi argument function discr as one that takes single argument and returns a function. This is currying. Recursion Recursion is one of the most important notion of functional programming. In OCaml, we use let rec to write recursive function. For example, to get $n$th Fibonacci number we write as follows: let rec fib n = if n <= 0 then 1 else (fib (n - 1)) + (fib (n - 2)) This code is very simple, but unfortunately too inefficient. To improve efficiency, we should write as follows: (Note that strictly speaking, the upper code and the lower code have different semantics. For example, when we give the programs -1 as n, how do they behave? We left it to the readers to modify the code so as to be safe against such mean input.) let fib n = let rec fib' a b i = if i = n then b else fib' b (a + b) (i + 1) in fib' 0 1 0 Array In ordinary article introducing OCaml (or functional programming), explanation of list, not array, should be placed here. Now, However, we explain array for the purpose of simulating quantum computer here. We can construct an array by enumerating elements in [| |]. We use ; to separate elements. let three_three_four = [| 3; 3; 4 |] The type of three_three_four is int array. The index of an array starts from $0$. We can access the $n$th element as follows: let three_three_four_0 = h.(0) (* 3 *) let three_three_four_1 = h.(3 - 2) (* 3 *) let three_three_four_2 = h.(2) (* 4 *) We can get the length of an array by using a function Array.length in the standard library. let len_ttf = Array.length three_three_four (* 3 *) We can construct two dimensional array: let m = [| [| 1; 2; 3|]; [| 4; 5; 6; 7 |]; [| 8 |] |] The type of m is int array array. We can access the elements as follows: let m00 = m.(0).(0) (* 1 *) let m12 = m.(1).(2) (* 6 *) let m1 = m.(1) (* [| 4; 5; 6; 7 |] *) Higher Function In OCaml, functions are value like integer, floating point number, or boolean value. This means that we can define naturally a function taking functions as arguments or one returning a function. Let’s see examples. We have a function in the standard library. The type of this function is ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array, where a b are type variables, which can be replaced by arbitrary concrete types. As we can guess from the type, Array takes functions and array and returns the array generated by applying the function to the each element in the array. let ttf = let add1 n = 1 + n in add1 [| 2; 2; 3 |] (* [| 3; 3; 4 |] *) OCaml has a notation for us to write concisely temporal function such as add1. We can rewrite ttf as folows: let ttf = (fun n -> 1 + n) [| 2; 2; 3 |] The additive operation + on two integers is also a function. If we would like to use it as an ordinal function, we write (+): let three = (+) 1 2 (* 3 *) We can rewrite ttf as follows using this notation: let ttf = ((+) 1) [| 2; 2; 3 |] Let’s see another example. We can use Array.init to generate an array with specified length. The type of this function is int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a array. It takes an integer of the length and a function to initialize the array, and returns the initialized array. let one_two_three = Array.init 3 ((+) 1) (* [| 1; 2; 3 |] *) References In addition to features explained here, there are many ones in OCaml. Especially, we did not explain how to receive input and output a result. We explain them as necessary. If you would like to know in detail, see The OCaml system release 4.07: Documentation and user’s manual Let’s Implement Quantum Computer! Index |Next>