Let's Implement Quantum Computer! 日本語版はこちら Introduction In this series of articles, I introduce the principles of quantum computing. I will make a program to simulate quantum computation in classical computer. I assume that you already know easy linear algebra. I use OCaml to write a program. However, you can understand these articles if you have experience of writing programs in some programming language. Index I am planning to write fllowing articles. Super Introduction to OCaml Review of Linear Algebra Implementation of Linear Algebra Tensor Product The Principles of Quantum Computation Quantum State Quantum Composite System Time Evolution of Quantum State Measurement No-cloning Theorem Quantum Teleportation Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm References 細谷暁夫. 量子コンピュータの基礎 [第2版]. SGCライブラリ Vol. 69, 2009. 五十嵐 淳. プログラミング in OCaml. 技術評論社. 2007. Mingsheng Ying. Foundations of Quantum Programming. Morgan Kaufmann. 2016.