

In this series of articles, I introduce the principles of quantum computing. I will make a program to simulate quantum computation in classical computer. I assume that you already know easy linear algebra. I use OCaml to write a program. However, you can understand these articles if you have experience of writing programs in some programming language.


I am planning to write fllowing articles.

  • Super Introduction to OCaml
  • Review of Linear Algebra
  • Implementation of Linear Algebra
  • Tensor Product
  • The Principles of Quantum Computation
    • Quantum State
    • Quantum Composite System
    • Time Evolution of Quantum State
    • Measurement
  • No-cloning Theorem
  • Quantum Teleportation
  • Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm


  • 細谷暁夫. 量子コンピュータの基礎 [第2版]. SGCライブラリ Vol. 69, 2009.
  • 五十嵐 淳. プログラミング in OCaml. 技術評論社. 2007.
  • Mingsheng Ying. Foundations of Quantum Programming. Morgan Kaufmann. 2016.